The Ultimate Guide to Jejunostoma

Jun 8, 2019


If you are looking to understand more about jejunostoma, you have come to the right place. Unilevel Studios is here to provide you with detailed insights on this topic.

What is Jejunostoma?

Jejunostoma is a surgical procedure involving the creation of an opening on the abdomen and into the jejunum, which is a part of the small intestine. This procedure is typically performed to enable direct access to the intestine for feeding and medication purposes.

Benefits of Jejunostoma

One of the main benefits of a jejunostoma is that it provides a means for individuals who cannot consume food orally to receive essential nutrition and medications directly into the intestine. This method is often used for patients with certain medical conditions that prevent them from eating normally.

Procedure Overview

The jejunostoma procedure involves a surgical intervention where a small opening is created on the abdomen, and a tube is inserted directly into the jejunum. This tube can then be used for feeding purposes, bypassing the oral route.

Post-Operative Care

After undergoing the jejunostoma procedure, patients need to follow specific care guidelines to ensure proper healing and functioning of the stoma site. These guidelines may include monitoring for signs of infection, adjusting feeding schedules, and maintaining tube hygiene.


In conclusion, jejunostoma is a surgical procedure that provides a valuable option for individuals who require alternative means of nutrition delivery. Unilevel Studios aims to provide comprehensive information on this topic to help individuals make informed decisions regarding their healthcare needs.

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